
Hate speech and the hypocrisy of liberals

When Gabriel Giffords was tragically shot in January and liberals blamed it on tea party rhetoric (we now know she was shot by a mentally insane liberal college student), President Obama made a grand gesture of giving a speech asking for more respectful dialogue. But apparently it only works one way. Liberals have been slandering the tea party with hateful and violent language on a daily basis and Obama has said nothing about their hate speech.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters told the tea party where to go. Vice President Joe Biden called the tea party “Barbarians at the gate.” Union boss Jimmy Hoffa said he would “get out his union army and take the SOBs out.” An African-American Democrat Congressman from Indiana said that tea party people want to see “blacks hanging from trees.” And a new computer game called “tea party Zombies Must Die” is out on the market.

All this vile and hateful speech attacking American citizens in the tea party for simply exercising their constitutional right of free speech and expressing concern for the direction of our country and not a word from President Obama. What Obama and the liberals don’t understand is that the tea party apparently isn’t threatened by these vile attacks; it is even more highly motivated and energized.

The tea party is keeping its eye on the prize of firing President Obama in November 2012 so that we can get this great country back to prosperity, back to traditional American values, and back to work.

Randy Rossi
