
Snubbing president is a disgrace

Joe Walsh is a disgrace to the Congress of the United States. Who does he think he is to snub our president (yes, we have the same president)? He has a job to do and that is to perform the duties of a U.S. congressman by at least listening to the president even if he does not agree with him. I did not vote for George W. Bush, but I respected the office enough to listen to every one of his speeches. He even had a few good ideas. If all tea party representatives are so narrow-minded as to not listen to other ideas, then we are all doomed to continued gridlock in Washington. Do any of those people know the meaning of the word compromise? That is why they are in Washington. I feel cheated when my tax dollars are used for the salaries of Joe Walsh and his fellow freshmen representatives.

Phyllis A. Gross
