
Ticket for backing into spot not right

You may want to contact the Arlington Heights Police Department and ask them if they plan on enforcing their strict parking policy for the Taste of Arlington Heights. Last year my wife and I had a wonderful time at the Taste. We even invited several friends from neighboring villages to attend. We all parked our cars at the commuter lot adjacent to Jewel.

To our shock and dismay, when we went to leave, we all found tickets on our cars for backing into our parking space instead of pulling in straight. There were literally dozens of cars ticketed. I estimate that about a third of the cars had backed into their space. There was a single sign, poorly displayed, that warned of this, however, not one of us noticed the sign.

I realize that towns and villages are looking for innovative ways to seek additional revenues in these tough economic times, but ticketing visitors who are not used to the commuter parking rules shows a tremendous lack of judgment on the part of the village and especially the police department.

Is this the proper way to showcase the village and to treat visitors who are trying to support the village and the businesses that operate in the village?  

Needless to say, I will not be attending the Taste this year.  

Jim Johnson

Arlington Heights