
Know your options to get rid of your feline’s fleas

Let us share some thoughts and information on a nasty subject that may plague our felines — fleas.

Our goal is to avoid fogging the house and bathing the cat. We are talking flea prevention. Forget the argument that “my cat does not go outdoors.” Remember, fleas jump on either you or your dog when you go outdoors. As soon as they latch on they are enjoying a meal of blood on your feline.

Commercial flea products you can buy online or from your veterinarian are designed to last for 30 days, usually require a prescription and are safer for your pet. The cost is also going to be a bit higher, but your pet is worth it.

These products require a monthly schedule to be effective, and a year-round schedule is not a bad idea. If a year-round program does not appeal to you, you should continue until we are consistently at a hard freeze.

The first tip for spot on flea treatments is to consult with your veterinarian so that you purchase the product that is age, weight and health appropriate for you feline. Remember to discuss any product label warnings.

Always use the product as per labeled directions unless your veterinarian instructs you differently. Remember to part the fur behind the base of the neck and apply the product to the skin so your cat cannot lick it. Allow the product to dry before children or family pets come in contact with the cat. Dog and cat flea products are not interchangeable.

Besides safety for the health of your feline, you may be choosing a product based on the location of your home. Are you in a moist area where mosquitoes are a problem? Do you live in an area where ticks are a problem? Let’s address product choices.

Revolution is a prescription product that is a monthly spot on treatment used by animal hospitals for its value in killing adult fleas and eggs, as well as additional parasites such as roundworms, hookworms and earmites. It also prevents new heartworm infestations. The chemical causes the flea paralysis, then death.

The tube is premeasured and comes in two different weight dosages: 5-15 pounds and 15-22 pounds. A six-pack is about $90, or some veterinarians sell a single application for $15.

Advantage multi-topical solution works very much like Revolution and is a monthly topical, killing a range of parasites besides fleas and flea eggs. This product is considered safer for kittens at least 8-9 weeks old. For smaller kittens, most veterinarians would use a light mist of Frontline spray in a towel or bathing with light detergent.

CapStar is a pill that kills fleas in 20-30 minutes. The drawback with this product is that it has to be followed up with long-term flea treatment. The product also requires a prescription, but it can be used on kittens if they are 2-3 pounds. Six doses of this product cost about $27.

Over-the-counter Frontline does not require a prescription and it controls fleas at all stages, plus ticks. It is safe for kittens at least 8 weeks old. You can find Frontline Plus at PetSmart and Petco stores.

Advantage II is a monthly spot on treatment that can be purchased at pet stores without a prescription. Kittens must be older than 8 weeks to use this product.

Lastly, a gentle reminder to consult your veterinarian before purchasing or applying a product to your animal. Also, read the label to know the ingredients are species-safe for your feline. Many dog flea control products can be hazardous or fatal for cats.

Today’s adoptable cats are both black because we are fast approaching the fall, where all black cat adoptions will cease until after Halloween.

AdoptablesTiara is a fluffy, friendly, black female with large tufts of hair in her ears. She sports a white diamond on her chest. This girl is 8-9 months old and is spayed. She was evicted from a #147;no pets of any kind#148; apartment complex. Her previous owner thought she was doing Tiara a favor when she sneaked her into her apartment.Violet was given to Buddy when she lost the only home she has ever known since kittenhood. Yes, she is 7 years old and full of personality. Black cats know they have to work a little harder to get that forever home.Ÿ Contact The Buddy Foundation at (847) 290-5806; visit us at 65 W. Seegers Road, Arlington Heights, or online at 36492433Violet