
Gov. Quinn, be a leader

Gov. Quinn and his cronies are doing an excellent job of enacting touchy feely feel good legislation that creates a diversion from the true problems in our state.

This year alone, the governor and his cronies have enacted EpiPen legislation, soccer goal post legislation, gay partnership legislation, lots of talk about casinos, and let’s not forget a lopsided redistricting plan that will ensure the Democrats’ gravy train continues for years to come. All this while pandering to the unions and getting no real pension fund reform that will ultimately sink our state’s economic future.

The problem is that none of these groundbreaking pieces of legislation has created any jobs or eased this state’s fiscal crisis.

The voters and legislators need to open their eyes and get rid of their liberal rose-colored glasses and get back to the true business at hand while there is still time.

Come on, Governor, you were full of talk and told us you were going to be different when you got elected, but so far, it’s all about you and Madigan’s liberal agenda.

Show us you are the man the voters of this state thought you were — step up, take charge, and be a leader who will truly make a difference for all the citizens of this state. Lee Goldberg

Vernon Hills