
A view of Uncle Sam’s shameful autopsy

What’s this? Has President Obama appointed yet another czar? This one would be, uh, let’s see now, I guess we’d have to call him the “national coroner.” His first autopsy? Uncle Sam.

“Dr.” Walt Zlotow provides these details in his report: “ ... 235-year-old ... showed signs of elder abuse ...” But then the good doctor starts talking about his assets being “siphoned off.” Well. what do you expect? As Margaret Thatcher once said, “The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

The next observation was that “ ... his eyes were taped shut to prevent him from seeing the damage being done ...” Post mortem? How could he have seen anything after he was dead? And if the tape was on before he died, why didn’t he just pull it off? Likewise with the plugs in his ears and the wire holding his jaw shut.

By the way, who put all that stuff on him, anyway, Doc? I would look to those leeches who could not “afford” to see him rediscover his roots (the Constitution).

It’s a shame that “ ... His cholesterol level had reached 14 trillion.” What’s an even bigger shame is how much it jumped in the last couple of years. While it was too high four years ago, it skyrocketed since then, apparently due to a forced shift in attitude.

Uh, Doc, I think you might have gotten confused when you tell of the “paid public servants responsible for his well-being.” No sir, his well-being depends entirely on We, the People, not any “paid public servant,” and when one considers how few of us bother to vote on election day, well, that plays a huge part in the health of our beloved Uncle.

Say, I just thought of something, Doc, I sure hope you’ve got your malpractice insurance paid up in full; based on your analysis of this situation, I believe you’re gonna need it.

John Babush

Big Rock