
Be wary of emails that circulate

This letter is in response to Nancy Hershberger’s recent letter accusing Barack Obama, during his presidential campaign, of lying about the World War II military service of his father. I researched this strange accusation and found out that starting in August 2010, an unidentified email began circulating with a very inflammatory narrative about Obama, including a video clip of him supposedly stating this “fact” about his father.

Of course this is not the truth and easily proven. Obama’s biological father wasn’t old enough to serve in World War II. Obama was mainly raised by his maternal grandparents from the age of 10. His grandfather had served in the war and received veterans benefits, the likes of which Obama was discussing. The Internet research site explains that this statement was obviously misspoken. Obama either was referring to his grandfather as his “father” because of the huge influence he had on his life or as a simple mistake of saying “father” and not “grandfather.”

Also, Barack Obama has always been open about his father, in interviews and writing, stating that he went back to Kenya. How could anyone then think that Obama would state that this man deserved veteran benefits?

A “literal” untruth about military service? Yes. But, a lie? To assume so would be to accept that a major party candidate would purposefully tell a lie that is so very easily proven. That is harder to accept.

Also, Nancy, the fact that the media did not question this is because they knew it wasn’t a lie. No, I certainly am not insulted; not should any veterans or citizens. I am more worried about people taking all emails as truth and accepting what they want to be the truth. That is very scary to me!

Cathy McQuillan

Arlington Heights