
Budzban: Shake off adversity for hopeful future

“Shake yourself from the dust; arise, sit erect in a dignified place.” #8212; (Isaiah 52:2)

By Annettee Budzban

Daily Herald correspondent

I have often heard the story told about a farmer#146;s donkey that fell into a dried up well. Pitifully, the donkey cried for hours on end while the farmer tried to figure out a way to help him get out.

Unable to come up with a solution, the farmer decided to cover up the well and bury the old donkey. The farmer asked his neighbors if they would help him shovel dirt back into this old well.

Everyone grabbed a shovel and started tossing dirt into the well. When the donkey realized what was happening he cried and wept, hoping someone would hear and help. The donkey#146;s initial response was the same as what we might do in the same situation. But then the donkey decided to settle down and quiet himself.

With the next shovelful of dirt, the donkey shook it off and stood on top of it.

When the farmer saw what was happening, he was amazed. With each load of dirt, the donkey continued stepping on top of it until the well filled up and the donkey shook off the last bit of dirt and walked away #8212; free at last.

Like this old donkey, when adversity arises in our lives, if we quiet ourselves and listen to God#146;s still, small voice directing our hearts and minds, we can find solutions to our problems and shake off our adversities.

We can overcome abusive treatment. Think how abused this poor old donkey must of felt being buried alive.

There are ways we can overcome our problems by doing things God#146;s way. It may take some strength and stamina like that donkey portrayed, but we can come out dignified take a step up and out into a new life.

Ÿ Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at