
I’ll stop fidlling if you’ll hang up

The Daily’s Herald’s series on distracted drivers is good journalism, on an issue that should not be taken lightly. Every day, bicyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and other motorists, are being killed or maimed by distracted drivers.

True, parents should “set the ground rules” for teen driving, and indeed, much of the education and PR have been directed at teens. But most of those I see yakking on a cellphone — including the gesticulating lady who almost ran over me as she exited Ogden Mall — are adult women. Watch traffic at the corner of Washington and Ogden in Naperville for 15 minutes and you’ll see what I mean. Grown-ups are supposed to lead by example, but it seems we’ve become like army ants, unable or unwilling to not be communicating.

Furthermore, we’re disinclined to wait until we reach our destination — or even to stop the car — before initiating or responding to a call or text message. So here’s a proposition for phone-conjoined drivers: If you’ll “hang up and drive,” I’ll stop adjusting my MP3 player while watching my GPS device. Deal?

Bruce K. Dixon
