
Sea of entitlement in Naperville schools

Where are our spending priorities? Just when we thought that the focus on our national debt would be uppermost, I am reminded that there is a sea of entitlement right here, under our noses. Gas is high, while every other commodity increases. Most of us cannot control these trends.

What is truly wasteful is the budgets that schools soak up, increasing our already-high property taxes. It is no secret that our Naperville school district has the apparent need to make sure that all of its budget is consumed.

A few years ago, Naperville North High School had knocked down the tennis court and rebuilt it, from the ground up. It was in good shape then. Now, they are doing the same thing. Again. Was it a bad job then?  Or, is something else here that no one is concerned with?

The next time we see a referendum for us to increase our taxes, we should examine the details of these entitlement-driven projects.

Where is the accountability here?

William J. Norris
