
Mercy Housing before Grayslake board

Grayslake village board trustees are scheduled to take a final vote on a controversial apartment complex proposed for low-income residents 55 and older. Trustees are to take up the matter of Mercy Housing Lakefront’s plan at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 5 at village hall, 10 S. Seymour Ave. Mercy Housing wants an amended special-use permit to construct the four-story, 70-unit building on Route 120 across from the village’s namesake, Gray’s Lake. It would be called Lakefront Lodge. Some residents have balked at Mercy Housing’s plans, raising concerns such as building height, the potential to drive down home values, insufficient infrastructure and a lack of documented details submitted with village government. Proponents said Mercy Housing’s plans should be approved because affordable apartments for those 55 and older are difficult to find in Lake County.