
Government should not fund abortions

In response to a March 28 letter by Sarah Williams of Planned Parenthood of Illinois, your concern about the need for low-income women to have easy access to preventive health care sounds sincere. Yet with all the many preventive health services you listed, Planned Parenthood is recognized as the largest abortion provider in the United States. That statistic is known, but very little about the other services listed is.

You indicate that tax money is allocated only for those whose pregnancies result from rape or incest. Consider 50 million abortions since 1973. How many among these millions of children are a result of incest and rape?

Your letter argues that your plea is not about abortions but about helping women in need. Consider petitioning your company to end abortions and focus on the lifesaving services that you indicate your patrons need.

But for me, the argument is about abortion. The abortion argument compels me to write this response and to repeatedly inform my elected officials not to support the business of abortions.

Judy Lippert

Arlington Heights