
Kane County budget recommendations

A budget panel of Kane County Treasurer David Rickert, Finance Director Cheryl Pattelli and Auditor Bill Keck developed a list of ways the county board can cut the budget and run the county more efficiently.

1. The board should prioritize funding. Public health and safety is the most important, followed by mandated functions, non-mandated functions and “pet projects.”

2. Determine the ramifications if mandates are not completed or if the mandate takes longer to complete than desired.

3. Consider an efficiency study of each office/department by an outside consultant.

4. Determine the compensation disparities between union and nonunion departments.

5. Elected officials and department heads with unions in their offices should work with the county board during contract negotiations.

6. The county board chairman and the finance committee chairman should meet regularly with elected officials and department heads about budget concerns.

7. The board should review its benefits and look for ways to reduce costs, especially in health care.

8. Costly mandates should be identified and a push for legislative reforms should be made.

9. Every department should try to reduce nonessential expenses including travel, training, lunches and vehicle costs.

10. Every department must review service contracts and try to renegotiate costs.

11. Every department should use the purchasing department whenever possible.

12. Employees and department heads need more training on reducing liability costs, especially workers' compensation costs.

13. The county's financial policies should be reviewed annually.

SOURCE: Kane County memo

Panel presents belt-tightening suggestions to Kane committee