
Conservatives are hypocrites

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Conservative.

The Conservative talking heads on the radio do a good job in keeping the public abreast of their liberal competitors' decline in listeners and readership. This coming election, though, has many of us wondering if they really deserve their ratings.

Are they conservatives or another bunch of Republican RINOS serving the machine and not the principles they espouse on the air? They may have to renew their fair and balanced credentials come December.

At least with the liberal talk shows hosts, audiences know where they stand on the life and pro-family issues and are consistent at election time even if I believe them to be wrong.

Now along comes Mark Kirk and the rules and dialogue of the conservative hosts have changed regarding the social issues. The discussion you hear is silence. Their spirituality parts ways with the faith-based crowd when the choice is between Republicanism and truth. For them, the third party candidates do not even exist.

Listening to the local commentators you would not be aware that there are four parties in the political race this coming November and one of the contenders for the U.S. Senate is a pro-life Libertarian, Mike Labno. Pro-life leadership is just as silent about his race as the Republicans are. This election has outed more than just those who openly support abortion.

Why should we vote for more of the same moral decadence in the person of Mark Kirk just because he is wearing a GOP label? Especially Catholics they will need confession after Nov. 2.

Joan Solms
