
Wheeler for 50th House

While it is easy to complain about our state government and our current group in Springfield has given us just cause, it is much harder to identify a true leader who can provide solutions to the myriad problems we all can recognize.

I am convinced that Keith Wheeler is that leader for those of us who live in the 50th House District. Wheeler exemplifies the true spirit of our community with a combination of common sense and traditional values that is rarely seen in politicians. A successful small business owner, he knows how to make tough financial decisions.

Wheeler will put that experience to work for us in Springfield, to help develop a sound economic strategy for Illinois that won't bankrupt our children's futures. His plan is simple and straightforward - create an economic climate that helps existing Illinois businesses to thrive and encourages new business to invest within our state, which will both save and create jobs - Illinois jobs.

Taking our citizens off the unemployment roll and putting them on the payroll is the key, and it yields multilevel benefits. The state spends less when unemployment is reduced. Workers earn wages, pay income taxes and generate sales tax revenues. We don't need tax increases. We do need to put people back to work, and to develop a fiscally responsible balanced budget.

Wheeler has the right solutions, he is the right leader, and the time to put him to work for us is right now.

Terry Hunt

Big Rock