
West Chicago High School Class of 2022

Graduates in the Class of 2022: 448

Graduation ceremony time, date, and location: Wednesday, May 18, Northern Illinois University Convocation Center

Graduating with highest distinction: Paloma Aguado, Jaden Aldaco, Rebecca Alison, Gerardo Avila, James Bloss, Daniel Bowen, Jaclyn Camp, Leslie Correa, Shantal Correa, Jack Dang, Alyssa Danner, Mason Dupasquier, Daniel Eaton, Dominic Errera, Levi Fisher, Alexander Garcia, Swapna George, Eleanor Gerster, Gianna Gianforte, Annie Gillespie, Ariel Gonzalez, Gloria Gonzalez, Margaret Hancock, Mikail Herrera, Jairo Ibarra, Sophia Johnson, Hadi Khamsi, Allyson Krause, Vincent Lamantia, Natalia Larson, Lyniah Lee, Grace Leonard, Mariana Lopez, Marie Lowell, Grace Miller, Dillon Moesch, Nicole Mruk, Joselyn Munoz, Nikhil Myers, Jack O'Donoghue, Jane Osielski, Melissa Pani, Brianna Pechman, Gabriela Perez, Sarah Plumlee, Sydney Radke, Eliana Reyes, Brianna Roskilly, Rydel Salazar, Jahaira Salinas, Jennifer Sanchez, Cecilia Santiago, Jason Sartore, Sofia Schumann, Sean Slattery Lilabeth Sokolewicz, Brendan Symon Sulit, Sydney Unger, Kyle Upham, Dylan Walsh, Robert Washington, Jr, Nicholas White, Shannon White, Natalie Wilderman, Jazmin Wilkins, and Meadow Zomparelli.

Graduation Speakers: Darianna Avila - Senior Farewell Speaker; Nicole Osborne - Teacher Commencement Address

Class Officers: Sofia Schumann, President; Meadow Zomparelli, Vice-President

Academic achievements:

• Nikhil Myers - National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation

• Robert Washington, Jr. - College Board National Recognition Program Scholar

Department Scholar Awards:

• Humanities Scholar Award: Margaret Hancock and Itzel Martinez

• Art Scholar Award: Daniel Boyce, Alexa Garcia, Olivia Wesling, Sydney Unger

• Social Studies Scholar Award: Charles Baumbartner, Shantal Correa, Gianna Gianforte, Gloria Gonzalez, Jimena Guerrero, Rory Guerrero, Antonia Loiacono, Mariana Lopez, Marie Lowell, Itzel Martinez, Vianney Moreno, Jack O'Donoghue, Brianna Pechman, Gabriela Perez, Jahaira Salinas, Jason Sartore, Lilabeth Sokolewicz, Joanna Trejo, Kyle Upham, and Jazmin Wilkins.

• Business Students of the Year: Daniel Canda and Ramiro Garcia

• Family and Consumer Science Student of the Year: Sydney Ostapa

• Technology Education Student of the Year: Levi Fisher

• Outstanding Seniors in English: Jairo Ibarra and Lilabeth Sokolewicz

• Outstanding Senior Mathematics Students: Leslie Correa

• Outstanding Seniors in Science Award: Ramiro Alanis, James Bloss, Victoria Brzozowski, Swapna George, Maya Gomez, Jessica Guerrero, Vincent Lamantia, Marie Lowell, Nikhil Myers, Ryan Pencek, Rydel Salazar, Jason Sartore, Sofia Schumann, Kyle Upham, Shannon White, and Meadow Zomparelli.

• Distinguished English Language Learners: Issa Oumar and Alberto Vazquez

• Highest Achievement in French: Rebecca Alison

• Highest Achievement in German: Sarah Plumlee

• Highest Achievement in Spanish: Santiago Villa

Extracurricular achievements:

• IHSA State Drama Finals: 1st Place for Technical Performance; 1st Place for Short Film - Philip Calabrese and Mikail Herrera; All-State Cast Members - Maggie Hancock, Mikail Herrera, Jaz Wilkins; All-State Production of "Cabaret" - Stage Manager, Elizabeth Ryan; Orchestra, Vincent Lamantia; Actor "Kit Kat Woman," Jazmin Wilkins; Actor "Cliff," Mikail Herrera.

• Business Professionals of America: 1st Place in Ethics and Professionalism, Daniel Canda; 1st Place in Economic Presentation, Swapna George.

• Family, Career and Community Leaders of America: Gold Medal in Children's Literature Presentation, Nicole Mruk

• Upstate Eight Conference Speech Tournament: 1st Place Impromptu Speaking, Daniel Canda

• ILMEA All-State Musicians: Mikail Herrera and Sydney Radke

• John Philip Sousa Band Award: Emily Heath

• Louis Armstrong Award: Nikhil Myers

• National School Orchestra Award: Brendan Symon Sulit

• National School Choral Award: Margaret Hancock

Athletic achievements:

• Female Athlete of the Year: Brianna Pechman

• Male Athlete of the Year: Pierre Baldwin

Theater productions:

• "Harvey"

• "Squirrel Girl Goes to College"

• "Clue on Stage"

• "Little Shop of Horrors"

What was new in 2021-22: New Student Activities: Robotics Club, Book Club, Music Honor Society, Photo Club; Student Activities hosted a Food Truck Festival for seniors on their last day of school

What challenges did the Class of 2022 face as they returned to in-person school full time, and how did they overcome them:

This class faced more headwinds in their high school career than perhaps any in our history. They have persevered through multiple learning models, a massive school construction project and countless individual hurdles. Through all of it they kept their composure, focus and drive by maintaining a sense of togetherness.

Principal's reflections on the Class of 2022:

This class is special because they are the ones who returned us to "normal." Three of their four years of high school were massively interrupted but they are the ones who led us as we returned to in-person learning. They were the class who led while we relearned so many lessons about being together and they are the class we will remember for their incredible perseverance.

- Principal Will Dwyer

  West Chicago High School student Darianna Avila gives the senior farewell speech during the school's graduation ceremony May 18 at the NIU Convocation Center in DeKalb. Paul Valade/
West Chicago Community High School. Daily Herald File Photo
From left, Philip Calabrese, Alex Bradley, Olivia Wesling, Katherine Vander Plaats, Nirali Kadakia, and Mikail Herrera rehearse for "Marvel Spotlight: Squirrel Girl Goes to College," a fall 2021 production by WeGo Drama at West Chicago High School. Courtesy of District 94
  West Chicago High School senior Hannah Brown gets a hug after receiving her diploma at the school's graduation ceremony on May 18 at the NIU Convocation Center in DeKalb. Paul Valade/
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