Aaron Del Mar appointed to Asian American Family Commission
Aaron Del Mar of Palatine was appointed to serve on the state of Illinois' Asian American Family Commission by Illinois state Rep. Tony McCombie. The appointment was made effective on Sept. 11, 2023, and the purpose of the commission is to improve and expand existing policies, services, programs and opportunities for Asian Americans and their families.
The Asian American Family Commission was established in 2019 and is composed of 15 members, including the Illinois governor, along with the Illinois Senate president and minority leader, and the Illinois House speaker and minority leader - each of whom appoint three members to the commission. Illinois legislators are educated by the commission on how to improve and expand services and opportunities for Asian American families living in Illinois.
"It's a great honor to be able to serve on behalf of other Asian Americans who are working hard every day to improve their quality of life and fulfill their own American dream," said Aaron Del Mar. "I'd like to personally thank Tony McCombie, the minority leader of the Illinois House of Representatives, for appointing me to contribute to our state through this important commission."
The appointment supplements Del Mar's other advocacy work on behalf of minorities. He is a sponsor, donor and keynote speaker for The Republican Multi-Ethnic Alliance of Illinois, which works to ensure underserved ethnic families and youth have access to food, education, health and workforce development opportunities. Del Mar was also the guest speaker at the organization's Toys for Tots drive over the holidays and helped to raise more than $10,000 in toy and food donations for in-need families. He has additionally worked with the Chinese Mutual Aid Association over the last several years and helped to organize its Dim Sum & Then Some 5K. All race proceeds benefited the low-income Chinese immigrant and refugee community.
Del Mar is the founder and president of four businesses based in Palatine; Adrenaline Special Events, Santa Hustle Race Series, LLC., US Casino Rentals and the American Pickleball Tour. He has also served since 2018 as the Palatine Township Highway commissioner.