Fremont School District 79 Launches 2023-27 Strategic Plan
Fremont School District 79 has launched its 2023-27 Strategic Plan following official unanimous approval by the Board of Education at its June 26, 2023 regular meeting.
The four-year plan is the result of a comprehensive community-involved process that was developed throughout the 2022-23 school year. District administrators collaborated for over 70 hours with 450 parents, students, staff, and community members via a series of focus groups, culminating in a community-wide survey that garnered over 1,000 responses.
"The 2023-27 Fremont School District 79 Strategic Plan would not have been possible without the collaboration from our entire community," Superintendent of Schools Dr. Trisha Kocanda said. "It was vital that this Plan be reflective of the priorities and vision of the entire Fremont community. We look forward to advancing our targeted objectives to ensure our schools meet high levels of excellence."
The Strategic Plan serves as a roadmap to advance the District's ambitious shared vision, "empowering the next generation of resilient lifelong learners, responsible citizens and courageous leaders."
FSD79 identified four strategic goal areas in which to focus its efforts:
• Safe, Healthy & Connected Culture
• Growth & Achievement for All
• Talent Recruitment & Development
• Financial & Facility Stewardship
The Board of Education and Administration will collaboratively create annual action plans to advance the goal areas and objectives. This dynamic process is responsive to the ever-changing context and needs of students, staff and the community. The annual goals will embed intended products and metrics, ensuring strong accountability and support for the District's work.
The complete 2023-2027 Fremont School District 79 Strategic Plan can be found at