A Caring Place offers caregivers peace of mind
Caregivers who are busy taking care of a family member are sometimes ignoring their own needs. But there are options to this situation.
One family looked for some form of socialization for their father. Their dad participated at A Caring Place twice a week at Christus Victor Lutheran Church in Elk Grove Village. He enjoyed the time he spent with so many participants and helpful volunteers.
The family appreciated the program - knowing he was safe, engaging with others and having fun while family members were able to work. It was challenging for him to get around, so having the chance to get out of the house was something he looked forward to each week.
A Caring Place is an outreach ministry that allows caregivers to leave a loved one in a safe environment with a home care assistant, trained staff and volunteers while they run errands, shop or relax.
The service provided at A Caring Place gives caregivers respite from their 24/7 responsibilities.
A Caring Place operates from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays at Christus Victor Lutheran Church, 1045 S. Arlington Heights Road, Elk Grove Village. Participants pay $30 per day and bring a sack lunch.
In the past 13 years, more than 100 adults have participated in this program. Activities such as Wii Bowling, card games, board games, exercises and various art projects are offered.
A Caring Place specializes in working with adults with mild cognitive and physical impairments. This program promotes socializing and interacting with peers.
For more information about the program or to volunteer, call (847) 437-2666.
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