Elgin Township Republicans elect first woman chairperson
The Elgin Township Republican Central Committee, at its July 26, 2022 meeting, elected its first woman chairperson in the organization's nearly 60 year history.
Chosen by the elected precinct committeepersons was Nicole Dean, of Elgin. Prior to her election as chair, Nicole Dean has been a member of the organization for 7 years and served as secretary for 4 years.
Nicole's interest in politics began at a young age, when she would help her dad, who was a Republican Precinct Captain in Schiller Park, walk door to door handing out literature. When she was first elected as a precinct committeeperson, she wished her father had been there to see her following in his footsteps.
Also elected as officers of the Elgin Township Republican Central Committee are David Teas, co-vice chairperson, Michael Kenyon, co-vice chairperson and Maggie Beyer, secretary.
The mission of the Elgin Township Republican Central Committee is to promote an informed electorate through political education, to foster loyalty to the Republican Party and its ideals, to work for the election of the Republican Party's nominees and to promote individual liberty, personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, good governance, with minimal regulation, lower
taxes and less government.
Monthly meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Elgin Township Building, 729 S. McLean Blvd., in Elgin. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.