
Hampshire American Legion Auxiliary meets Sept. 16

The Hampshire American Legion Auxiliary, Haderer-Eineke Unit 680 will meet at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 16, at the Resource Bank, 135 W. Oak Knoll Drive, Hampshire. Refreshments will be served at 1 p.m.

The auxiliary meets on the third Monday of the month (except January, June, July and August). The next meetings will be Oct. 21, Nov. 18 and Dec. 16 (for a cookie exchange).

The June meeting was held at unit president Trudy Wesemann's house and refreshments were served by Mary Ebert. The opening prayer was led by unit chaplain Maile Edmonson and the meeting minutes were submitted and accepted. The treasurer's report by Marie Maynard was approved and submitted.

Membership in the unit is 47 which include 39 adults and 8 youth.

Betty Reiser noted that the flags at the TLS Veterans in McHenry are tattered and worn and should be replaced. Mary Ebert made a motion to purchase all five branch flags, plus the POW flag. It was seconded by Maile Edmonson and the motion carried. A second motion was made to buy solar lights for the flagpole. It was tabled until the Sept. 16 meeting.

Those interested in joining this women's volunteer group that supports all veterans are welcome to attend. If you would like to attend or join the unit, call Vivian Knell at (847) 344-7420.

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