
Cook County Health Advises Residents to Seek Migraine Treatment Options

Migraines are severe, painful, recurring headaches. About 12 percent of the population experiences migraines. Chances are you know someone who suffers from this debilitating condition. If you experience migraines, you understand all too well how these headaches can disrupt your life. You can thank genetics because for most sufferers it's an inherited disease.

A migraine isn't simply a 'bad headache.' Migraines are characterized by specific symptoms and often follow predictable stages. Migraines are triggered by external/environmental factors as well as internal/biological conditions.

Cook County Health advises people to not let migraine pain control your life.

There is no cure for migraines. However, migraine medications can help stop symptoms and prevent future attacks. Medications for migraines fall into two categories: pain-relieving medications taken during migraine attacks and are designed to stop symptoms and preventative medications taken daily to reduce the severity or frequency of migraines..

The FDA recently approved three new preventive migraine treatments that effectively reduced headache frequency with few side effects during clinical trials. These are the first drugs specifically approved for migraine prevention in more than 50 years.

Your treatment strategy depends on the frequency and severity of your headaches, the degree of disability your headaches cause and your other medical conditions. Your doctor can help find the right medication for you.

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