
Gowri Magati: 2021 candidate for Buffalo Grove village trustee


City: Buffalo Grove

Age: Did not respond

Occupation: Informational Technology consultant, self employed

Civic involvement: Volunteered in fundraising for Ekal Vidyalay, a charity organization that helps for kids education in rural India for multiple years; organized several Indian cultural events to encourage young kids to continue Indian heritage; active member in religious, cultural and ethnic programs; organized ACT and SAT preparation Sunday programs for young adult; chaperoned for several high school charity programs like "relay for life" events.


Q: How do you view your role in confronting the pandemic: provide leadership even if unpopular, give a voice to constituents - even ones with whom you disagree, or defer to state and federal authorities?

A: I will fight for simplification of the vaccine process. We must work with our federal, state and county officials to get our fair share of the vaccine. The village should be responsible for communicating COVID information to our residents. More information should be available about Lake County's registration site, tips on how to get the vaccine and the importance of getting the immunization. We aren't using the power of social media to communicate these messages strongly enough. I also have many concerns about our seniors. Many of them are not aware of the county's registration system, or the processes necessary to find a COVID vaccination. We need to do a better outreach for this high risk group. We need to work with Lake County to implement our own vaccination site here in Buffalo Grove. Traveling to the county fairgrounds is too difficult for seniors and those who need assistance. As a community, we need to listen to the science and make sure people follow CDC guidelines.

Q: Did your town continue to adequately serve its constituents during the disruptions caused by the pandemic? If so, please cite an example of how it successfully adjusted to providing services. If not, please cite a specific example of what could have been done better.

A: The village enforced CDC regulations well. However, they could have done a better job in communicating COVID information in the beginning of pandemic. The village should have been more proactive in sourcing and distributing protective gear when there was none in the market. It is also concerning that so many of our small businesses have closed their doors during this pandemic. I believe it is the responsibility of the village to work harder to keep these businesses open. They should have worked harder with business owners to help them obtain federal loans and grants and communicate curbside services to us all. It is not too late for our village to engage more.

Q: In light of our experiences with COVID-19, what safeguards/guidelines should you put in place to address any future public health crises?

A: We must maintain our vigilance even after COVID is gone. Basic hygiene practices must be reinforced with our citizens. The village must work with federal, state and county governments to develop a more concrete plan to deal with the next potential new pandemic. Sourcing the basics and assuring the mass distribution of medical and food supplies must be part of this plan. Our plan should also address how to mitigate these viruses before they become a pandemic through better education. We were simply caught flat-footed this time. We cannot repeat these mistakes.

Q: What cuts can local government make to reduce the burden of the pandemic on taxpayers?

A: We have to investigate the planned expansion of the public works facilities. We also must look to automation to reduce cost. Top down analysis of our budget should be conducted to find every penny of savings. However it is not all about costs, it is about finding new sources of revenue. I have lived in Buffalo Grove over 16 years and the issue of building a downtown has always been talked about but never implemented. Petty bickering and wrongheaded development concepts have slowed this process. We have lost many businesses along Lake Cook and Dundee corridor because of delays in economic development plans, while the communities around us have grown. Because of these delays our property taxes continued to grow forcing many of my neighbors to leave our community.

Q: What do you see as the most important infrastructure project you must address? Why and how should it be paid for? Conversely, during these uncertain economic times, what infrastructure project can be put on the back burner?

A: Our water and sewer infrastructure is in disrepair. However, the burden for paying for it has been inflicted upon all of us. The current federal administration is exploring a major infrastructure program. We need to work with our members of congress to bring needed monies to this upgrade project. We also need to turn to our state legislators to acquire government grants.

Q: Do you plan to address businesses that don't adhere to the governor's order to close or restrict business?

A: We must always follow the science. However this issue isn't that simple. Without government intervention our local businesses will not survive the pandemic. Therefore, while it is imperative that the village enforce the governor's restrictions, resources must be available to help these businesses to survive.

Q: Do you agree or disagree with the stance your board/council has taken on permitting recreational marijuana sales in the community? What would you change about that stance, if you could?

A: I oppose the decriminalization of marijuana. However, since we already have a business in the village, we need to regulate it so our youth are protected. I feel that this decision can't be reversed.

Q: What's one good idea you have to better the community that no one is talking about yet?

A: We need to build a downtown recreational center to attract our youth and young families. Traditional retail and strip malls are dead. We need to build a facility that will draw people from our communities to spend their money in Buffalo Grove. Entertainment, recreation and sports should be the focus of this facility along with trendy restaurants and cafes. Nothing like this exists within a half-hour of Buffalo Grove.

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