Barrington holding panel discussion Tuesday on anti-LGBTQ bullying
The Barrington Area Library will host the Making Barrington More Welcoming LGBTQ Discussion Panel at 7 p.m. Tuesday.
The panel, which is open to the public, will discuss recent anti-LGBTQ attacks in Barrington and what can be done to address anti-LGBTQ bullying in schools and public spaces.
"The harassment and bullying that members of the LGBTQ community in Barrington have experienced, particularly the two recent incidents, are completely unacceptable," said Cook County Board Commissioner Kevin Morrison, who's among those scheduled to take part in the discussion.
Other panelists include Sharon Nelles, the mother of a Barrington High School student bullied over her sexual orientation; Mike Ziri, director of public policy for Equality Illinois; Diane Scholte; Barrington village Trustee Emily Young; Jana Chwalisz of St. Paul's United Church of Christ; Barrington High teacher Polly Foley; psychotherapist Brittany Rotelli; and Barbara Pintozzi of Barrington Area Pride and Barrington Area Equality.
The library is at 505 N. Northwest Highway, Barrington.