
Lake County Board races shape up for March primary

The contest for the Lake County Board's 14th District seat looks to be the most crowded county-level race on the March primary ballot, with four candidates after the Democratic Party nomination.

Incumbent Vance D. Wyatt of North Chicago is being challenged by former county board member Angelo Kyle of Waukegan, North Chicago Alderman Bonny Mayfield and newcomer Richard Otero-Cintron, whose hometown wasn't immediately available.

No Republicans filed to run for the 14th District seat.

Candidate filing for the March 20 primary ended Monday afternoon.

Fourteen of the county board's 21 seats are up for election in 2018. All 14 seats carry 4-year terms.

Two primary races for seats on the county board will feature three candidates.

In the 10th District Republican primary, first-term incumbent Chuck Bartels is facing challenges from Fremont Township Trustee Jeri Atleson and David M. Spada. All live in the Mundelein area.

Democrat Jessica Vealitzek of Hawthorn Woods is running unopposed in her party's primary.

And in the Republican primary for the 17th District seat, incumbent Michael Danforth of Fox River Grove is being challenged by Wauconda Trustee Linda Starkey and North Barrington resident Eleanor Sweet McDonnell.

The lone Democrat running for the 17th District seat is Maria Peterson of North Barrington.

In addition to the 14 county board seats, voters also will elect a county clerk, sheriff, regional schools superintendent and treasurer in 2018.

Of those races, only the Democratic primary for county clerk features more than one candidate.

Democrats Adam R. Broad of Buffalo Grove and Robin M. O'Connor of Libertyville filed nominating petitions Monday to run for clerk. The winner will face Republican incumbent Carla N. Wyckoff in November's general election.

Some county races drew only one candidate. A few didn't attract any.

Primary winners move on to the Nov. 6 general election.

But those running unopposed in March still could face opposition in November. That's because leaders of both political parties can nominate candidates for the general election if no one runs in the primary.

A full list of the candidates for county board and the other county offices can be found online at

Former Mundelein trustee Kim running for Lake County treasurer

Third GOP candidate running for 17th District Lake County Board seat

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Ballots to take shape as Illinois candidates begin filing today

Democrat joins crowded field for 17th District Lake County Board seat

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