
Early developmental milestones to monitor

It's often an exciting moment for parents when their child reaches significant milestones, such as laughing, crawling and walking.

While those are major milestones to look forward to, there are other smaller, but just as important, moments that parents should eagerly anticipate their child to reach at certain ages.

"The timeline below is meant to be used as a guide of when you might expect your child can complete certain skills and tasks," says Dr. Shrinal Vyas, a pediatrician at Advocate Children's Hospital. "It's important to remember that every child is different and reaches milestones at his or her own pace."

2-4 Months:

• Pushes up head while on stomach; attempt to rollover

• Moves legs actively; splashes and kicks in bath

• Looks at his or her hands

• Follows light, faces & moving objects

6-9 Months:

• Begins sitting without support

• Responds to his or her own name

• Picks up objects to shake and bang

• Brings feet to mouth

• Enjoys looking at self in mirror

12-18 Months:

• Begins taking steps. First assisted and then on own

• Pushes and pulls toys

• Knows how to wave goodbye

• Curious about what's inside drawers and boxes and will attempt to empty

24-30 Months:

• Participates in imaginary play with dolls and toys

• Throws a ball overhand

• Displays defiant behavior (does what he or she is told not to do)

30-36 Months:

• Thrive on attention and ask repeatedly for a parent to watch them do something

• Ride a tricycle

• Can speak in 2- to 3-word sentences

4 Years Old:

• Improved coordination. Hop on one foot without losing balance

• Uses the toilet on his or her own

• Uses scissors to cut pictures

• Understands and says their own first and last name

5 Years Old:

• Can recite numbers to 10 or more

• Draws a triangle and a person with numerous body parts

Dr. Vyas advises parents to follow their instincts. "If you have any concerns about your child's development, talk with his or her pediatrician and voice your worries."

• Children's health is a continuing series. This week's article is courtesy of Advocate Children's Hospital. For more information, visit

Dr. Shrinal Vyas
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