
Government overreach on pregnancy centers

Once again, the Democrat-controlled Illinois General Assembly and Governor J.B. Pritzker have instituted a law that is blatant totalitarianism and government overreach - not to mention totally unconstitutional.

The signing of SB 1909 - The Deceptive Practices of Pregnancy Centers Act - is a "hit" job on pregnancy help centers and an affront to the people of Illinois. The law, which had the backing of abortion-minded groups, seeks to snuff out or restrict the good work of pregnancy centers by holding them liable for any "deceptive practices" that can be determined by Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul - an avowed advocate of abortion rights.

Thus, if in the mind of Raoul, a pregnancy help center gives any kind of misleading information to a woman seeking help, he can go after that center and fine them up to $50,000 for each incident. Most pregnancy help centers are volunteer oriented and run on short budgets. Most would not be able to afford a long legal battle.

That's the thug tactics being employed by Illinois Democrats now. Talk about radical.

When are Illinois residents going to realize that this state assembly and administration doesn't care about the will of the people?

One final point. The Daily Herald ran a front-page story on Saturday, July 29, about the signing of the law. The article, written by Hannah Meisel of Capital News Illinois, quoted Jennifer Welch of Planned Parenthood of Illinois and Alicia Hurtado of the Chicago Abortion Fund. No one from a pregnancy help center was quoted - why?

Pregnancy help centers are a great resource and helping hand for those pregnant women seeking support and care. Why try and "muscle" them out?

Gerry Bliss

Elk Grove Village

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