
Letter: Time has come for electric school buses

Three cheers for Naperville School District 203 and its decision to purchase four electric school buses. For years many, of our kids have been transported to and from school on dirty diesel school buses that pollute the air they breathe and increase incidents of asthma and lung disease in many children. As a special-education teacher, I stood with children as the buses idled spewing soot and particles into the air.

More than health is involved. The case for energy efficiency and saving tax dollars is documented also. Both the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and the Illinois EPA hold funds that districts can apply for, to finance electric school buses. Although the change from fossil fuels appears daunting to some, years ago the revolution of introducing motorcars was incredible at first as well. Hooray for District No.203 and its leadership in transitioning to clean electric school buses for its students.

The Alliance for Electric School Buses has a website with resources to talk to school officials and boards about this important issue. The technology is here now for safe, reliable electric school buses that are healthier for our children and our communities. Let's start with upgrading the buses for our most vulnerable populations of young and health-compromised students.

Connie Schmidt


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