
Letter: Bodily autonomy critical to American liberty

In a free and healthy society, the people may debate human life's genesis. Moreover, reasonable minds may never discover consensus upon the age-old question of the moment when a zygote crosses the threshold into the status of personhood.

This classic conundrum bears no weight upon the constitutionally safeguarded notion of the right to receive an abortion, utilize women's health services and retain and advance medical privacy.

Roe v. Wade is not simply about the ability of women to possess sovereignty over their own bodies and destinies. Even more, it is about each living soul's ability to construct the contents of their dreams into the dictates of their daily existence.

The petty tyrants, who vilify and dismantle Roe v. Wade with their failed pseudo-ideologies, seem to forget that the landmark case is chronologically positioned between Griswold v. Connecticut and McFall v. Shimp.

Both embody the protection of bodily autonomy during sickness, health and even in death as it is the individual that possesses dominion over themselves in a quintessential American principle.

This sacred ideal of bodily autonomy is critical to American liberty. It is essential to the future of my generation in a world where tyranny touches the lives of everyone on this planet.

In response to both communist coercion abroad and totalitarian treachery at home, our best option is to summon the intestinal fortitude to legally codify the freedom to choose and defend democracy at all costs.

Henry J.H. Wilson


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