Fair election was worth the expense
DuPage County Clerk Jean Kaczmarek's office has completed four discovery recounts for the Nov. 3, 2020, General Election, requested by four Republican candidates: Jim Oberweis for U.S. 14th Congressional District, Jeanette Ward for Illinois 25th Senate District, Bob Grogan for Office of DuPage County Auditor, and Tim Whelan for DuPage County Forest Preserve Commission District 4. The estimated cost to the County to conduct the four recounts was over $100,000, most of which is not recoverable from these candidates.
I've been following with interest the challenges to election results, particularly by Jim Oberweis, who took a public but premature victory lap on the night of Nov. 3 when he showed an initial lead over Democratic incumbent Lauren Underwood. However, as mail-in ballots (heavily leaning Democratic) were counted up to the Nov. 17 deadline, his lead steadily dissipated, and Rep. Underwood won by over 5,300 votes.
The recounts resulted in no change to the outcomes certified at the conclusion of the election. This expensive endeavor in DuPage County is one that has played out all over the country, due to the unprecedented amount of mail-in voting, which statistically trended Democratic, and the added time needed to tally those votes across the country.
Here in DuPage, these recounts verified that a fair and accurate election did take place, well worth the $100,000 price tag. My thanks to Jean Kaczmarek, her dedicated staff, and to all the dedicated poll workers across the country who have worked tirelessly to assure fair election results.
Mary Beth Speer
Glen Ellyn