
Don't let these institutions be undone

It's curious why Mr. Gerson needs to provide yet another race relations history lesson with no suggestions. He says "inequality ... was built into institutions ... and it must be consciously and purposely undone."

How many more laws, skewed hiring practices, biased admission standards, free programs, etc. are needed?

Racism is a feeling of superiority over someone else due to backgrounds. If people don't feel superior to anyone, they are not racist. If people start life with nothing yet are responsible for themselves, they stay in school while working part time. They stay a responsible member of their family vs abandonment. They get jobs packing groceries, shoveling snow, mowing lawns, cleaning toilets/floors, whatever. They save money to live on their own, fall in love, compete for and eventually attain better jobs, have kids, teach them they are not superior to anyone, pay taxes, go to church and eventually take care of their parents also.

I'd hate to see these institutions undone.

Aland Drizd

Buffalo Grove

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