Library apologized for the wrong thing
Once upon a time, librarians were vocal opponents of censorship. Libraries were depositories of literature of various points of view. One could check out Mein Kampf from one shelf, and the Communist Manifesto from another. Huckleberry Finn was there too. Laws prevented anyone from looking up what books you checked out.
But no longer in Aurora, where only politically correct thoughts are allowed, and even something prominently labeled "satire" is removed (with apologies!) after someone who doesn't understand the joke complains.
How ironic it is that somewhere in the Aurora library is a book titled "Dictionary" that enables anyone to learn that "satire" is the use of humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule to expose and criticize stupidity or vices.
Aurora's mayor said that the "words in this display should never have seen the light of day in our city, were offensive, divisive and prejudiced." The library board president caved to the censorship, instead of defending free speech.
Also somewhere in the Aurora library might be a copy of the U.S. Constitution that protects free speech from government interference, by even ignorant mayors and cowering library presidents. Popular ideas do not need such protection; it is there for unpopular ideas.
If they read further in it, snowflakes always searching for something for some imagined slight to protest about on TV will be surprised to learn that there is no Constitutional right to go through life without ever being offended. The real apology needs to be for removing the work, not for displaying it.
It is time that the intolerant leftist bullies grow up, get a sense of humor, and stop shouting down and suppressing anything they disagree with. We must not be intimidated against standing up against political correctness chilling our free speech. The rest of us have rights, too.
Stan Zegel