
Keep churches out of politics

President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress are said to be considering repeal of the Johnson Amendment. The Johnson Amendment prohibits 501(c)(3) organizations from conducting political campaign activities to influence campaigns for public office. Not only are these organizations exempt from taxes, their supporters may take tax deductions for any contributions they make to these organizations.

This amendment, introduced by then-Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson in 1954 was agreed to with no debate. It was included in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 while Ronald Reagan was in the White House. Those against the amendment and in favor of repeal claim that it infringes upon religious freedom and free speech.

A frequent response to that claim is that since churches are exempt from reporting requirements of other similarly exempt organizations, contributors could skirt campaign finance laws by channeling funds through a church.

Once again, the question of separation of church and state comes out of the shadows. If we are to prevent our government from becoming a theocracy, I hope that Trump doesn't honor his 2017 National Prayer Breakfast vow to "totally destroy" the Johnson Amendment.

Karen Wagner

Rolling Meadows

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