
UBS names team for Northbrook office

Northbrook-based UBS Financial Services Inc. said Dmitry Farbman, Leo Khorolinsky and Paul Stepankovskiy have joined the firm as a financial adviser team, collectively known as FKS Wealth Management Group.

They are joined by their support team of Irina Khesin, Jocelyn Grove and Yannek Nikodimos.

“We are thrilled to have Dmitry, Leo, Paul and their superb support team at UBS in Northbrook,” said Complex Director Kim Jenson, the managing director of the firm’s Northern Illinois and Wisconsin area offices. “Their impressive backgrounds, including the additional accreditations and accolades they’ve received, prove their commitment to offering comprehensive wealth management services for clients. That’s just what I’m looking for.”

The team, with over 15 years’ wealth management experience, joins UBS from Wells Fargo Advisors, where they earned the distinction of “Premier Advisor” for the 2nd consecutive year. Farbman holds a bachelors of science degree in finance from the University of Illinois at Urbana — Champaign, and an MBA in finance from Keller Graduate School of Management.  He formerly was a financial adviser at Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch.

Khorolinsky gained his bachelor of science degree in information and decision science at Loyola University, and was at Merrill Lynch prior joining Wells Fargo Advisors.

Stepankovskiy also moved from Merrill Lynch to join Wells Fargo. Stepankovskiy is a graduate of the University of Illinois and holds a bachelor of science degree in economics, and an MBA in Finance from Keller Graduate School.

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