With Lietzow, GOP can move forward
As both a citizen and trustee for the Elk Grove Village Library I enthusiastically endorse the candidacy of Mr. Scott Lietzow for the position of Republican Committeeman for Elk Grove Township.
As a 10-year member of the Elk Grove Township Republican Organization I have watched the organization gradually fade away from its former place of prominence in the local political arena. This is due to the organization's lack of interest in cultivating future leaders and inspiring interest in those Republicans who are new to the area.
Whether one has been in town for 60 seconds or 60 years the organization should be seeking these individuals out and bringing them in to support the Republican mission and vision.
Rather than allow Mr. Niewiardowski and Mr. Lietzow to discuss their ideas for the future of the organization in a public and civil forum, the current Elk Grove Township Republican Organization has allowed the organization to be involved with baseless and trivial attacks on the meaningless issue of in which residence Mr. Lietzow slept last year.
The organization has gained momentary pleasure by casting and depicting Mr. Lietzow as an outsider or a "nomadic political wanderer" of sorts which will only serve to further the divide between the organization and Republicans new to the area and not familiar with the organization.
Mr. Lietzow has proven himself as a former United States Marine, and a capable youth organizer. As a citizen, father and trustee for the Elk Grove Village Library I have made the decision to support and embrace the candidacy of Scott Lietzow for Committeeman of the Elk Grove Township Republican Organization.
It is with this that I ask that all Elk Grove Township Republicans vote for Scott Lietzow on Tuesday, March 18, 2014.
Timothy M. Burns
Elk Grove Village