
Trump's 'chemotherapy' won't heal nation

In brief, Karen Coakley says in her letter she thinks Donald Trump's actions are like chemotherapy used to fight cancer. Both are cleansing toxins with horrible side effects.

It amazes me how she and other Trump supporters rationalize his actions. Do they really think that he is some sort of messiah who knows more than anyone else about everything just because he says so? Does he know more about global warming than so many world scientists who have been saying for decades that this is reality? Trump blows that off in one word. He calls it a hoax.

Does he know more about Russian intervention in our 2016 election than all our national and even international intelligence agencies who assert it was real? He said it could have been the Chinese or some 400-pound guy on a couch.

I could go on about his lies but that would take up too much space. It's simply how can you give credibility to a man who lies basically all the time and not only denies it but hand picks those in his inner circle to lie for him like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I think either you see that or you don't.

You think he's the chemotherapy we need? I think he's the poison.

Lawrence Kopp


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