
Climate just one sign of Trump's isolationism

The recent column by Byron York calls the Trump dismissal of the Paris Climate Accord the primary factor in the growing outcry that his administration is abdicating the U.S. role as a world leader. That is not the case at all. There has been rapid isolation occurring on all fronts since he took office.

Trump dismissed the Trans-Pacific Trade agreement, which was supported by the GOP and fought by the Democrats. It was widely called a potential boon to all participants. If it had problems for some, they could have been fixed.

China is not included in the treaty. China, Russia and India are laughing all the way to the bank, because they will fill the void we are leaving. Along with that, is the influence it brings.

He bashed NATO and later admonished NATO allies for failing to increase their volunteer quota of financial support. He promised a high masonry isolating wall with Mexico, which they would pay for. He painted all Muslims as terrorists and tried to keep them from traveling to the United States, including our friends and those who assisted us in the Middle East wars. He bashed NAFTA, a trade treaty that has a great deal of support in the United States, especially in the agriculture industry. There are other examples.

On the other hand, he is calling for a huge increase in military spending without justification. Our present military spending has been reported as already equal to the next six countries combined. Is he planning to go to war?

By his many actions so early in his term, Trump has made it clear to the world that he sees the United States as not a partner, but a dominator. The climate agreement is only one of many signs of his isolationism.

Richard Cichanski


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