
Couch to 5K Week 10 tip: Side stitches

This week's workout: Walk 1 min/Run 14 mins for 30 minutes

By Nick Hurley

Dick Pond

As you are running more, you may experience some "side stitches."

It may feel like cramping in the rib cage area.

Deep breathing and some changes to your form can alleviate side stitches. Here are some tips to try:

• Review your upper body form. Remember to keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid slouching. Relax your arms and look ahead slightly.

• As you breath in through your mouth, push your stomach out and at the same time, push down and out with your diaphragm. Your abdomen should be expanding instead of your chest.

• Try to exhale when you are landing on the ground.

• Practice by lying on the ground with a magazine on your abdomen. Practice breathing and watching the magazine slowly rise and fall.

• Avoid eating within one hour of running.

• Avoid sugary, carbonated drinks prior to running.

• If you are running in cold weather, use a neck warmer to insulate incoming air.

Utilize these simple tips to combat a side stitch next time you experience one.

They can arise for various reasons and the sooner you eliminate them, the sooner you can get back to enjoying your run.

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