
It's not easy to get Cyclamen to re-bloom

Q. How can I keep my cyclamen alive year to year?

A. The common florist's cyclamen is derived from a species native to Mediterranean areas. While the plant grows from a bulb, it is usually purchased in full bloom. Since Cyclamen grow and bloom in winter, they are a popular holiday plant.

Cyclamen thrives in cool temperatures. in fact, cool temperatures help induce flowering and also prolong the flowering of plants. However, once the days grow long and the temperatures warm, the plant goes into dormant season, not uncommon in bulbous plants. Also, when deadheading always be sure to rip out the flower stalks all the way at the bottom as this will stimulate more flower production.

When the foliage begins to yellow; this is the signal to stop watering. At this stage, if you want the plant to rebloom, stop watering and place the potted plant in a dark, dry, cool place.

In the fall, repot it in just a slightly larger pot and water the soil thoroughly. When the new leaves emerge from the tuber, move the plant to a bright location and fertilize it. If new growth hasn't occurred by late October, go ahead and water it. As long as the tubers are still plump and hard, the plant is still healthy. Wait for shoots to appear and the soil to become somewhat dry, and then water thoroughly again.

A word of caution: Cyclamen can be very difficult to re-bloom. Often, even when everything is done correctly, the plant may not re-bloom. However, it doesn't hurt to try.

• Provided by Mary Boldan. Master Gardener Answer Desk, Friendship Park Conservatory, Des Plaines, open 9 a.m. to noon on Wednesday. Call (847) 298-3502 or email

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