
Your health: Tips for practicing mindfulness at work

Tips for practicing mindfulness at work

Google, eBay, Intel and General Mills all offer classes on it … mindfulness.

In this corporate trend, businesses are finding mindfulness - being focused and fully present in the here and now - is not only good for individuals, but good for the bottom line.

But how can people practice it in a workplace where multi-tasking is the norm?

Dr. Romie Mushtaq,, gives these tips:

• Focus on a single task for an allotted amount of time. You might say, "For 15 minutes, I'm going to read through my emails, and then for one hour I'm going to make my phone calls," says Dr. Romie, a neurologist with expertise in mind-body medicine and mindful living.

• Delegate. Ask for help when you need it.

• When you get "stuck," change your physical environment to stimulate your senses. Take a walk outside or listen to some relaxing music.

Brazilian butt lifts becoming big thing

There's a cosmetic surgery that has rapidly become one of the trendier enhancement procedures, CBS-Miami reports.

It's the Brazilian butt lift, and its popularity just might be influenced by some of Hollywood's biggest stars.

There are no butts about it, rounder rears are in. One could argue that Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez's backsides are some of their best-known assets.

Amy McGraw is a working mother of four and a grandmother who has never been happy with her rear view and decided to have a "butt lift" at a cost of about $3,000.

"I have had a flat butt my entire life … I thought, well why not? I'm at a point in my life where the kids are grown and I'm a grandma, and why not?" said McGraw.

Dr. Phillip Craft, a specialist in body sculpting, says the procedure is not really a "butt lift."

"Really what you are doing is restoring volume. Just like when you do breast implants, you're giving back volume, which kind of gives the look like it's being lifted," he said. "You are putting the fat in there to restore volume, restore projection at the same time since you are pushing the skin out."

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