
Lawmakers defend coloring book perk

SPRINGFIELD — Is it time for Illinois lawmakers to give up their coloring books?

Legislative coloring books are among the publications offered to lawmakers by the cash-strapped state’s Legislative Printing Unit, a $2.1 million division of the General Assembly that also prints letterhead stationery and envelops for official correspondence.

The coloring books offer kids the chance to shade in images of Illinois’ state snack, popcorn, and the state’s prairie grass, Big Bluestem. Some even allow children to color their lawmakers. The booklets also prominently feature the name and contact information of the state official.

Some lawmakers contend the coloring books serve a good purpose.

“It’s not to raise the name awareness of the legislators,” state Rep. Chris Nybo told The (Bloomington) Pantagraph. “There is educational value and governmental value to providing constituents helpful information about state programs and educate our kids about state government,” the Elmhurst Republican said.

The Pantagraph reports that a total cost for the coloring books was not immediately available, but some lawmakers question the value of the books.

“I wouldn’t think that would be the best choice of spending taxpayer money,” said state Sen. Kyle McCarter, a Republican from Lebanon.

McCarter does, however, plan to hand out some activity and coloring books at an upcoming event. But he suggests lawmakers find other ways to pay for such giveaways in the future.

“If you want to pay for those with your campaign money, that’s fine,” he said. “Taxpayer money, I don’t think so.”

This legislative coloring book is handed out by Illinois state Sen. Mike Jacobs, an East Moline Democrat, to school children who visit his Capitiol office in Springfield.