
Greed of some weighs heavily on others

It breaks my heart. I work to assist low-income seniors and just heard a couple, after being told they are losing their state prescription assistance, say that if they don't get their Social Security checks they will have to use their limited savings to get by. First, we saw cuts in state and federal assistance programs, and now threatened cuts to the limited income stream, and none of the people impacted are the cause of the deficit.

The greed of corporations and the individuals who run them, along with the self-serving and even illegal actions of lawmakers, are what brought this down on our heads. Yet we are being lied to and told that the only way to fix our nation's economic troubles is to decimate the assistance we have historically given to the most vulnerable among us and the income they “bought” through their own hard work.

It is those who caused the problem that should pay — in higher taxes and/or penalties and less “incentives.” Not only do those people and entities not deserve them, they do not even need them. The rich still have their money and the corporations are still paying ridiculous salaries and bonuses — while avoiding taxes with “incentives.” Why do the poor, the disabled and seniors have to bear the full weight of “fixing” our economy? They didn't break it!

Where does the money from convicted and fined corporations and individuals go, anyway? Not back to the people who lost money, retirement security and homes through no fault of their own. It's not only our economy we need to fix — it's also the hearts and souls of the greedy perpetrators of this mess that need fixing. Instead they are still feasting and enjoying the American dream they've stolen from the rest of us.

Laura Zab
