
Tips to survive the storm

Dress in layers, stay off the roof and keep your car stocked

Hopefully you planned ahead for the 12 to 18 inches of snow now covering your porch, driveway, front lawn and roof.

But now that the great snow of 2011 is here, experts from the American Red Cross of Greater Chicago urge you to stay inside if possible, and go out only if necessary.

If you need to clean off the roof, do not climb up on the roof to shovel it off. Instead, use a roof rake available at home improvement centers or hardware stores. This way, you won’t run the risk of sliding off a slippery roof.

If you go outside, dress appropriately, officials advise. Multiple layers are ideal, experts say, because they allow you to adjust to changing conditions. Don’t forget to wear a hat, preferably one that covers your ears.

And don’t wear gym shoes or heels, but rather something that will keep your feet dry, like a pair of waterproof, insulated boots that will also help maintain your footing on ice and snow.

Remove wet clothes immediately when possible and warm the core body temperature with a blanket.

If you have power, listen to the radio or television or keep an eye on the weather reports from the National Weather Service over the Internet at for updates and changing conditions.

Eat regularly and drink ample fluids, but avoid caffeine and alcohol. Hot cider or soups are ideal for this weather.

Officials urge area residents to avoid driving if possible. If you have to drive, bring a flashlight, a first-aid kit, a cell phone and charger, blankets and some high-calorie, nonperishable food items.

Missy Lundberg, a spokeswoman with State Farm Insurance, said people also should have extra clothing like wool socks, gloves and hats stored in their car, as well as road salt or cat litter to help give tires added traction in case they get stuck in a snowbank.

Throw a tow rope or tow chain in your trunk, along with a set of jumper cables, to help in case a tow from a ditch is required.

Program a towing company’s phone number into the speed dial on your cell phone, she advised, This way, if you accidentally slip into a ditch, help is a quick call away.

If get stuck, stay calm, turn on your hazard lights and hang a distress flag from an antenna or window. Call the tow truck or, if necessary, call for an emergency at 911 and describe your location as precisely as possible. Remain in the vehicle until help arrives.

If that takes a while, run the vehicle’s engine and heater about 10 minutes each hour to keep warm, but only after opening a downwind window slightly for ventilation.

Lundberg said people should turn on interior car lights when running the engine to give rescuers a better chance of finding them.